Br. Gregory O. Jobson-Larkin D.D.
Universal Life Church/Seminary Commissioned | New York & USA Certified Clergy | Ordained Interfaith Minister | Wedding Ceremonies & Services Officiant | Bereavement Ceremonies Services Officiant | Spiritual & Motivations Coach/Speaker | Business Consultation | Blessings Officiant | Br. Gregory Jobson-Larkin D. D.
Why do you want to be an interfaith minister?
My first ordination, at the age of 14 yrs. occurred an A.M.E Church in Jamaica Queen, New York. Sexual abused by the then minister of music, plus eye witness to the political and moral hypocrisy of the church administrative structure led me to renounce my faith to that organization and embark on a 40 year interfaith wilderness trek sojourning for a time participating in many other religious experiences: Hindu, Judaism, Islam, Catholicism, Buddhism, religions of African and Asia. I have actively worshipped and seriously embraced the ritual and customs of all faith distilling the essence into one word phrase: "Pursue the excellence of being." This is who I am, the life=journey of me , and now I seek a physical 3rd party affirmation of this life's focus in the form of being recognized as an Interfaith Minister.
What areas of ministry attract you?
The Universal Energy (Holy Spirit, Chi, Ancestors, The Force) permeates everything, as it is everything. I seek to encourage the awareness of, the practice of, and invite all humanity to embrace the excellence of this phenomenon, All ministerial areas fascinate and invigorate me, yet communications technologies (spreading the good news} interest me the most. I wish to formally teach and work towards increasing a person's awareness of their inner light, and how that light guides to better life choices.
What does the statement, "We are all ministers" mean to you?
We are all ministers. Paper and/or the recognition of a person's walk (works) does not define the person; the person's walk (works) defines the individual, and we all effect and affect individuals, situations, and cause advent wherever and whenever we touch another's life. We minister life to that person, and we can also minister death, either way we all minister, and we all make a difference.
What does the term, "Interfaith" mean to you?
The term Interfaith conjures the imagery of synaptic electrical conduits connectivity, as "faith" is the source energy that the "inter" binds everything together with everything else. Yet, the purest connection looses no energy in the transference process, and neither takes away nor adds to the quiescent source. Imagine becoming a pure WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) reflection of SOURCE. This is what the term Interfaith speaks to me.
What previous areas of interest do you see yourself integrating with your ministry experience?
The United States Nuclear Powered Submarine service taught me the value of training and preparation, married to perfect practice and dedication to 100% mission fulfillment; I shall integrate the practiced essence of these experiences, plus the experience of formally owning and operating a religious AM radio station, 24-track analog recording studio, advertising music business, administrative head of a NY-based Time Warner public access channel, minister of communications and technologies 5-year employee for a nationally recognized and broadcast congressman/minister/church organization, financial investment consultant, Internet SEO consultant, media company owner and not limiting out the best integration experience of husband & father.
What are you expecting from this program in terms of educational knowledge, practical knowledge and personal growth?
I expect nothing, and also everything as I truly am open to the experience; whatever it is or is not does not matter. What matters is the first step of the journey, all educational knowledge, practical knowledge and personal growth shall and always will follow. The Universe shall decide the how, and what's because that's its domain. I only seek understanding.
Give a brief description of your religious/spiritual background to present.
I have embarked on a 40 year interfaith wilderness trek sojourning for a time participating in many other religious experiences: Hindu, Judaism, Islam, Catholicism, Buddhism, religions of African and Asia. Currently I am enjoying the study of Quantum Physics, as well as Metaphysics as a religious pursuit.
Describe your professional and educational history (include highest level of education achieved, list current licenses and/or certifications).
Masters of Media Studies, Harrington University
Bachelor of Media Studies, Harrington University
Certificates/Areas of Studies/Course Credit from:
The New School for Social Research, Screenplay Writing
York College, Theater Arts & Communications
Queens College, Music Appreciation
City College, Jazz Appreciation
Francis Lewis High School, Business & General Studies Diploma
Queens Technologies School, Computer Science
USN Nuclear Powered Submarine Service, Qualified (Silver Dolphins)
USN Advanced Electronics & Electricity, Qualified Instructor
United States Naval Nuclear Submarine Service Veteran
Evaluate yourself as a ministry applicant. What areas of expertise do you have and how do you see the ministry enhancing your skills?
The "ministry" enhances all skill, named and unnamed, known and unknown because the "ministry" is a practice of the excellence implementation of "u" in "you" with regards to the bringing about the best of the"u" in "us." The Universe knows the way of area enhancement of expertise, my responsibility and choice is to sincerely offer myself as a ministerial candidate to conduit its energy to others. I am the skill-set that I bring.
Why do you want to be an interfaith minister?
My first ordination, at the age of 14 yrs. occurred an A.M.E Church in Jamaica Queen, New York. Sexual abused by the then minister of music, plus eye witness to the political and moral hypocrisy of the church administrative structure led me to renounce my faith to that organization and embark on a 40 year interfaith wilderness trek sojourning for a time participating in many other religious experiences: Hindu, Judaism, Islam, Catholicism, Buddhism, religions of African and Asia. I have actively worshipped and seriously embraced the ritual and customs of all faith distilling the essence into one word phrase: "Pursue the excellence of being." This is who I am, the life=journey of me , and now I seek a physical 3rd party affirmation of this life's focus in the form of being recognized as an Interfaith Minister.
What areas of ministry attract you?
The Universal Energy (Holy Spirit, Chi, Ancestors, The Force) permeates everything, as it is everything. I seek to encourage the awareness of, the practice of, and invite all humanity to embrace the excellence of this phenomenon, All ministerial areas fascinate and invigorate me, yet communications technologies (spreading the good news} interest me the most. I wish to formally teach and work towards increasing a person's awareness of their inner light, and how that light guides to better life choices.
What does the statement, "We are all ministers" mean to you?
We are all ministers. Paper and/or the recognition of a person's walk (works) does not define the person; the person's walk (works) defines the individual, and we all effect and affect individuals, situations, and cause advent wherever and whenever we touch another's life. We minister life to that person, and we can also minister death, either way we all minister, and we all make a difference.
What does the term, "Interfaith" mean to you?
The term Interfaith conjures the imagery of synaptic electrical conduits connectivity, as "faith" is the source energy that the "inter" binds everything together with everything else. Yet, the purest connection looses no energy in the transference process, and neither takes away nor adds to the quiescent source. Imagine becoming a pure WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) reflection of SOURCE. This is what the term Interfaith speaks to me.
What previous areas of interest do you see yourself integrating with your ministry experience?
The United States Nuclear Powered Submarine service taught me the value of training and preparation, married to perfect practice and dedication to 100% mission fulfillment; I shall integrate the practiced essence of these experiences, plus the experience of formally owning and operating a religious AM radio station, 24-track analog recording studio, advertising music business, administrative head of a NY-based Time Warner public access channel, minister of communications and technologies 5-year employee for a nationally recognized and broadcast congressman/minister/church organization, financial investment consultant, Internet SEO consultant, media company owner and not limiting out the best integration experience of husband & father.
What are you expecting from this program in terms of educational knowledge, practical knowledge and personal growth?
I expect nothing, and also everything as I truly am open to the experience; whatever it is or is not does not matter. What matters is the first step of the journey, all educational knowledge, practical knowledge and personal growth shall and always will follow. The Universe shall decide the how, and what's because that's its domain. I only seek understanding.
Give a brief description of your religious/spiritual background to present.
I have embarked on a 40 year interfaith wilderness trek sojourning for a time participating in many other religious experiences: Hindu, Judaism, Islam, Catholicism, Buddhism, religions of African and Asia. Currently I am enjoying the study of Quantum Physics, as well as Metaphysics as a religious pursuit.
Describe your professional and educational history (include highest level of education achieved, list current licenses and/or certifications).
Masters of Media Studies, Harrington University
Bachelor of Media Studies, Harrington University
Certificates/Areas of Studies/Course Credit from:
The New School for Social Research, Screenplay Writing
York College, Theater Arts & Communications
Queens College, Music Appreciation
City College, Jazz Appreciation
Francis Lewis High School, Business & General Studies Diploma
Queens Technologies School, Computer Science
USN Nuclear Powered Submarine Service, Qualified (Silver Dolphins)
USN Advanced Electronics & Electricity, Qualified Instructor
United States Naval Nuclear Submarine Service Veteran
Evaluate yourself as a ministry applicant. What areas of expertise do you have and how do you see the ministry enhancing your skills?
The "ministry" enhances all skill, named and unnamed, known and unknown because the "ministry" is a practice of the excellence implementation of "u" in "you" with regards to the bringing about the best of the"u" in "us." The Universe knows the way of area enhancement of expertise, my responsibility and choice is to sincerely offer myself as a ministerial candidate to conduit its energy to others. I am the skill-set that I bring.